• Stock Image Money Advice

    Worrying about paying your rent?

    If you're struggling to afford your rent, please let us know as soon as you can. We know that being in debt can be very difficult for you and your family, and we are here to help you.

    Support for you

    Our Income Team offers advice and support to help you manage your debt, and create the right payment plan for you. Contact our Income Team by emailing: allincometeam@eastlighthomes.co.uk

    Our Welfare Benefits Team can make sure you are receiving any benefits you are entitled to, as well as help you to apply. Find out about our welfare benefits service here.

    Our cost-of-living support page has lots of support and advice to help you through anything you may be struggling with. Visit our cost-of-living page here.

How to pay

You are free to choose how you would like to pay your rent. Please see the options below.

Paying your rent in advance

As stated in your tenancy agreement, your rent is due in advance. If your rent account is not in advance, you will need to work towards getting it into credit. This means paying a little bit extra each week or month.

One reason why we ask you to do this is, if you’re unable to pay your rent, you’ll be able to make use of the credit built up on your account to prevent your account from falling into debt.

If you have any questions about getting your rent account into credit, please contact us.

  • Call 0330 041 6497 – you will need your 19-digit swipe card reference, alongside a credit or debit card.
In person
  • At the Post Office - you will need your swipe card.
  • Via Pay Point. Any store with a Pay Point sign will accept a cash payment. You will need your swipe card.
Through your bank
  • Direct Debit
  • Standing Order 
  • Please contact us for our bank details if you wish to set up a Direct Debit or Standing Order.
Updating your rent payments

Our Income Team is no longer contacting you to remind you to make changes to your rent payments if your Housing Benefit entitlement has changed.

Reasons your Housing Benefit payments may change include a new household member or a new job. Your local authority will let you know if and when your Housing Benefit payments change.

It is your responsibility to change your rent payments, and to contact us if you need any help or advice.

The easiest way to calculate your new rent payment amount is to minus your Housing Benefit weekly award figure from your weekly rent charge. If you need additional support to do this, please call us on 0330 128 0330.

If you pay via direct debit, please contact us so we can amend your direct debit payment to the correct amount.

If you don’t update your rent payments, it could result in a debt on your rent account.

Please do contact us if you are struggling to pay your rent – we are here to help.

Annual rent increases

Your frequently asked questions and supporting information about your annual rent increases.

I’m an Eastlight tenant. How much has my rent gone up by?

From April 2025, your rent will increase by 2.7%. You’ll receive your rent letter with full details of your new rent from the beginning of March. 

We know any increase in bills can affect your household budgets, which is why we’re committed to supporting you throughout the increase.

You will not lose your home if you cannot pay your rent, as long as you work with us to manage any arrears you have.

Your rent letter includes a leaflet setting out what support is available, while more information about what is on offer can be found here.

Why has my rent gone up?

We are a not-for-profit organisation. The rent you pay us helps us provide your services, maintain your homes, and build affordable homes.

With rising costs impacting how we work, the rent you pay us helps to ensure we deliver the essential services you rely on whilst maintaining your homes and building new, affordable homes for the local community.

Where does my rent money go?

Your rent money funds the services we provide. From repairs to investing in your communities, we’re continually working towards improving your services so you can live happily in your home.

Throughout the year we’ll be:

  • Carrying out up to 36,000 repairs to your homes
  • Carrying out more than 10,000 gas inspections and replacing almost 500 gas boilers
  • Installing more than 100 solar panels to boost sustainability
  • Building 320 new homes for those who need them.
How do you decide what the increase will be?

Our Board decides on the increase, following government policy. The Board includes Eastlight residents who are members of our Customer Influence Committee.

For rented homes, the maximum rise is based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) as of September 2024 plus 1%.

For shared owners, it is based on your lease agreement with Eastlight.

For more detailed information, please refer to the documents entitled: ‘How your rent has been set’ at the bottom of this page.

When do I start paying the new charge?

From 1st April 2025 if you are charged monthly, or 7th April 2025 if you are charged weekly.

If you pay via direct debit, you will receive a separate letter regarding your Rent Direct Debit. We will recalculate your payment, and Allpay will write to you to confirm the amount. If you are charged weekly but prefer to pay monthly, please note that your instalment from 1st April 2025 will reflect the new rent due from 7th April 2025.

If you pay monthly and don’t know how much to pay, please call us on 0330 128 0330 and ask to speak to the Income Team and we will advise you.

If you pay by standing order, please tell your bank to change your payments to cover the change in your charges. Eastlight cannot do this for you because only you are able to access your bank account.

To make monthly and standing order payments easier for you in the future, please consider setting up a Direct Debit. We will recalculate your instalments for any future increases so that your account is always up to date.

We can offer Direct Debit payments on any day of the month to suit your circumstances. Call us on 0330 128 0330 and ask to speak to the Income Team to set up a Direct Debit.

I’m struggling to afford my rent. Can you help?

If you’re struggling, please contact us. We can offer you financial support, benefits guidance, and help with managing your rent. For more information about support available, visit this page here.

You will not lose your home if you cannot pay your rent, as long as you work with us to manage any arrears you have.

I rent a Garage or parking space/plot from Eastlight. How much has my rent gone up by?

from April 2025, your rent will increase by 2.7%. You'll receive your rent letter with full details of your new rent from the beginning of March.

How are my service charges calculated?

Services charges cover the costs of services to your home, such as grounds maintenance. We do not profit from these charges. If you pay service charges, you will receive more information in your rent letter.

If your rent is a social rent, the charges aim to recover the actual costs. We have limited any large increases to a maximum charge of 2.7% + £5 per week.

For those with affordable rent, service charges are included within your rent.

For more information please refer to the Service charge area here.

I receive Housing Benefit/Universal Credit, what should I do?

The government announced that for the forthcoming year, means-tested benefits including Universal Credit will rise. This means that if you receive these benefits, they will increase by 1.7% from April 2025, helping meet your household expenses, including rent.

If your Housing Benefit is paid directly to Eastlight (as of February 2025) we will notify your local authority of the new rent charges. If your Housing Benefit is paid directly to you, or if you have only recently requested that it should be paid directly to Eastlight, please supply a copy of your increase letter to your local authority.

For Universal Credit, please log on to your journal on or after 1st April 2025 if you are charged monthly, or 7th April 2025 if you are charged weekly, and update the housing costs element. The figures can be found at the end of your rent letter, in the Appendix.

Please do not update your journal with these changes before this date, as they will be rejected.

My increase letter contains Form 4, why has this been included?

This is a legal requirement when we increase the rent for your type of tenancy.

I need additional support for reading and understanding my rent letter.

If you need help understanding specific documents or web content, please let us know. We can provide explanations, summaries, or alternative formats that may be easier to understand. We can also use a language line service to translate this for you over the phone.

For further information on additional support, click here

Annual Rent Increases - Supporting Information

The following documents explain how your rent has been calculated and when you need to pay.