Click here to complete our Suppliers List form below.
Once you have completed our Suppliers List form, we will refer to your application when a suitable opportunity arises. Although we will be unable to completely guarantee any future business, you will be added to our supplier list for consideration.
It is important to ensure that your application is as detailed as possible; this includes providing relevant contact information and email addresses, where possible.
Please note: We require all our suppliers to be registered on the Housing Procurement Portal in order to be considered for opportunities with Eastlight. All our tenders are completed there.
You can register free of charge and browse any opportunities that may interest you. The application takes only five minutes to complete and is necessary before any business is conducted with Eastlight.
We obtain our quotes from a variety of sources, including our existing supplier base and supplier list.
The following table demonstrates the value threshold for each contract type.
Contract Type |
Value* |
Goods |
Over £214,904 |
Services |
Over £214,904 |
Works |
Over £5,372,609 |
*All values are inclusive of VAT.
All procurement activities above thresholds will be advertised in the Find a Tender website.
You can access Find a Tender here.
We also advertise our above threshold notices on the Contracts Finder and Housing Procurement web portals. To find and respond to our notices, you must be registered on the following websites:
In addition, we also procure via public sector frameworks.
Supplier Requirements
At Eastlight, we strive to achieve high levels of customer service and satisfaction, and we expect the same commitment from our contractors, suppliers and operational partners.
We ensure that all contact with our customers is positive, polite and solution-oriented, and we kindly request that all our contractors are ambitious, inclusive and accountable for the work they undertake.
Read more on our minimum supplier requirements and expectations below.
At Eastlight, we ensure that we remain compliant with regulation and legislation to maintain fair, safe and inclusive working conditions for those working directly or indirectly for us. We expect that our suppliers/contractors share a similar vision.
As such, we require all suppliers or contactors to comply with the following:
- Procurement Act 2023
- Equality Act 2010
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and any other relevant legislation (particularly the duty of care not only to their own employees but also to others, including all representatives of Eastlight and members of the public)
- The Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR), as part of their working relationship with Eastlight. Click here to read Eastlight's Privacy Statement
- Modern Slavery Act 2015 – this includes zero evidence of child labour, slavery, forced, bonded or involuntary labour, human trafficking and exploitation - either directly by subcontractors or within the supply chain. Click here to read Eastlight's Modern Slavery Statement
Coming into effect on Monday, 24 February, the Procurement Act 2023 is the largest overhaul of procurement legislation in a generation and is mandatory for all public contracting authorities, including Eastlight. It aims to bring great benefits to both the public sector and suppliers, drive innovation, deliver better outcomes and embed transparency right through the commercial lifecycle, so everyone can access procurement data and see how public money is spent.
This represents a significant change to procurement, tendering and to contract management in the public sector. If you are a company that tenders for contracts, participates in framework agreements or are part of a dynamic purchasing system, then learning more about the new legislation is a must.
The Procurement Act 2023 is designed to:
- Simplify the bidding process with a new central digital platform (enhanced ‘Find a Tender’ service), so suppliers can register their details once for multiple bids across multiple contracting authorities
- Increase supplier visibility, with the option to see all tender opportunities in one place, including attendance at engagement
- Be easier to bid, negotiate and work in partnership with the public sector, including a new 'competitive flexible' procedure
- Create more flexible commercial frameworks, to prevent prospective suppliers from being excluded for long periods of time
- Help level the playing field for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs), by identifying and wherever possible, overcoming, particular barriers faced by these organisations throughout the procurement lifecycle
- Strengthen provisions for prompt payments throughout the supply chain, enabling SMEs and VCSEs to benefit from 30-day payment terms on a broader range of public sector contracts
- Improve transparency, with greater visibility around who is bidding for, and winning, larger public sector contracts (above
- Deliver a stronger Exclusions Framework, which takes tougher action on under-performing suppliers.
Alongside the failure to apply with the above points, the points below set out the grounds by which a contractor/supplier may be deemed ineligible to work with Eastlight, if they:
- Are in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency winding up, administration, receivership, composition with creditors or any equivalent state, or subject to relevant proceedings
- Have been convicted of a criminal offence related to their business or professional conduct
- Have committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of business
- Are guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying information required by Eastlight Community Homes
- Are not in possession of a licence to trade or not a member of the appropriate body where the law requires it.
Our standard minimum requirements mean that all suppliers or contractors must have the following levels of insurance cover:
- Employers Liability – £5m
- Public Liability – £2m
- Professional Indemnity (if applicable) – £1m
Please note: The Procurement Bill gained royal assent on 26 October 2023, with the new Procurement Act given a ‘live’ date of February 2025. Eastlight will expect all suppliers and contractors to act in accordance with the Act in all aspects from this date for any future business consideration.
Additional Support
If you need help to understand or complete the 'Suppliers List' form below, please let us know. For more information on how we can support you to navigate our website, forms and documents, click on the 'Additional Support' button below: