Affordability Policy
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Our approach to determining the affordability and suitability of customers who are interested in purchasing a Shared Ownership home.
Aids & Adaptations Policy
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We will always support residents who request aids and adaptations, either directly or in partnership with the relative Local Authority (LA).
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
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We will act fairly, honestly and openly, and we will not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption.
Anti-Fraud Policy
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We take a zero-tolerance approach to fraudulent acts and will seek to correct all identified incidents of fraud.
Anti-Money Laundering Policy
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We have a zero-tolerance approach towards money laundering and are committed to proactively preventing it.
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) & Hate Crime Policy
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We provide a service that allows residents to enjoy their homes without negatively impacting others or being negatively affected by their neighbours.
Asbestos Policy
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How we ensure asbestos is adequately managed to secure our residents’ safety and those working in our properties.
Compensation Policy
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Read our approach to resolving compensation claims.
Complaints & Resolutions Policy
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When you make a complaint, we want to make sure we listen, understand what has gone wrong and what is needed to put it right.
Damp & Mould Policy
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We will support residents living with damp and mould by effectively remediating the cause of mould and ensuring our processes are robust.
Data Protection Policy
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We will always treat the data we collect with care and respect, and in line with laws and regulation.
Domestic Abuse Policy
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We will always address domestic abuse with sensitivity, empathy and a victim-centred approach.
Electrical Safety Policy
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How we ensure electrical safety is adequately managed for the safety of our residents.
Empty Homes & Allocations Policy
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We will let homes in a fair way, make best use of our homes, and work with Local Authority partners to assist them in meeting their housing duty.
Fire Safety Policy
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We will take all reasonable steps to prevent and control the risk from fire to our residents’ homes, offices and commercial properties.
Gas & Oil Safety Policy
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We commit to ensuring gas and oil safety is adequately managed for the safety of our residents.
Health & Safety Policy
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Health, safety and wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do at Eastlight.
Leasehold Management Policy
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The range of services we provide to leaseholders.
Lift Policy
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We ensure our lifting equipment is adequately inspected, serviced and maintained.
Managing Behaviours Policy
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This Policy sets out Eastlight’s approach to the few customers whose actions or behaviour we consider unacceptable.
Pest Control Policy
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How we ensure our estates, communal areas and properties are kept safe and free of pests.
Recharge Policy
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We spend our customers' money fairly and wisely, but will sometimes recover the costs of works and maintenance we are not responsible for.
Rent Policy
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How we aim to set rents for our residents in a fair and consistent way
Repairs Policy
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How we deliver a responsive repairs and maintenance service, which aims to achieve high levels of satisfaction and deliver value for money.
Safeguarding Adults Policy
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Our commitment to collaboration and defining our approach to Safeguarding Adults.
Safeguarding Children Policy
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Our commitment to collaboration and defining our approach to Safeguarding Children.
Shared Ownership Policy
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Our our approach to covering both our pre-2021 schemes and those subject to Homes England’s Shared Ownership (SO) Model Lease.
Shareholding Policy
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Eastlight's shareholding offer, the process for becoming a shareholder, and the rights and responsibilities of the role.
Tenure Policy
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Find out how we let and manage our homes and tenancies in a fair way, committing to tackling all types of tenancy fraud.
Water Safety Policy
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We make sure to meet our obligations to reduce the risk of potential outbreak of Legionnaires disease for the safety of our residents and office visitors.
Whistleblowing Policy
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This policy encourages people to raise issues in the public interest, at a high level, so we can investigate them.