Tell us what you think about us!

We’re continually taking your feedback on board, good and bad, to ensure your services are as efficient and effective as possible. After all, you know better than anyone how our services can be improved.

This month, Eastlight residents may be contacted by an organisation called TLF Research to take part in a survey about Eastlight. It’s a part of the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures, which all housing providers are now using to measure customer satisfaction.

TLF Research will ask if you’d like to complete a survey about our services. It will include a variety of questions ranging from the type of services you receive to the way we communicate with you.

A random sample of residents will be contacted either by phone - with a phone number beginning in 01484 - or by email to take part, and it shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to complete.

All residents who are contacted can complete the survey anonymously if they wish, and you do not have to take part if you do not want to. However, your opinion is important to us, and we really value your feedback so we can find new ways to improve our services for you and your home.

To find out how we’re performing, check out our website later this summer, when we’ll be publishing the first set of results.


TLF Research are members of the Market Research Society and are fully compliant with Data Protection Laws. Some tenant contact information has been shared with TLF Research only for the use of this survey to invite tenants to take part and TLF Research does not share any data with any other organisations.