Local electrician runs London Marathon for kidney charity

An electrician who began doing the couch-to-5k plan just six months ago will shortly take on the London Marathon.
Warren Bibbey, an electrician at Eastlight Community Homes, will run the marathon on 2 October in support of Kidney Care UK.
The dad from Essex chose the charity because of the support it has offered to his wife, who was diagnosed with a kidney condition in early 2019.
She was provided top specialist care and consultations by the renal team at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford.
Warren, 38, said: “It was great to be asked by Kidney Care UK to do this run, especially in thanks to the renal team who got my family through the past three years. I’m delighted to be shedding light on a cause so close to our hearts.”
Not a runner by nature, Warren took the advice of fellow marathon-loving colleagues and took part in Eastlight’s Couch-to-5k challenge. He now follows the London Marathon’s training plans rigorously and even brought his trainers to Disney World, where he spent some quality time with his family recently.
Warren added: “It’s been both incredibly difficult and rewarding. I’m physically and mentally ready now, but at the start I wasn’t so sure. The heat over the past few months, a reoccurring knee injury and frequent visits to my physiotherapist have made things more difficult, but they have only pushed me further.
“I wouldn’t have carried on if there wasn’t a goal. My wife and the charity have given me the motivation to jump up at those 5am alarms, to push myself regularly and go for gold.”
Chief Executive of Eastlight, Emma Palmer, says: “We’re delighted and very proud to see Warren doing the London Marathon this year for such a worthy cause. He’s certainly a much-loved figure here at Eastlight, and he continues to inspire and educate everyone he works with.
“We will all be cheering for him. Good luck, Warren!”
So far, Warren has already raised £1,400 already for the charity, including £900 at a Race Night Fundraiser he and his wife organised, with raffle prizes from businesses and charities including Hedingham Castle and Colne Valley Railway.
For more information about Kidney Care UK, visit www.kidneycareuk.org.
To donate, go to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/warren-bibbey