
What to do in the event of a fire

In the event of a fire, you must:

  • Call 999 or 112 from any telephone and ask for the Fire Service
  • Give your address and postcode.

If you live in a flat, the Fire Action Notice in the communal area will tell you what to do in an emergency. It may be that it is safer for you to remain in your flat, rather than leave immediately. 

Fire doors

Fire doors are crucial, life-saving safety devices, designed to restrict the spread of smoke and fire.

Please do:

Please don't:

  • Alter or change your flat front door without prior consent from Eastlight
  • Tamper with doors or self-closing devices.

How we help keep you safe

We carry out Fire Risk Assessments every three years in our General Needs flat blocks, and annually in our Housing for Older People Schemes.

We also distribute essential fire safety information annually to all residents living in blocks of flats.

Click here to see simple precautions you can take to reduce the chance of a fire in your home.