What we do
As your landlord, Eastlight is responsible for carrying out certain safety checks in your home.
Gas and oil safety checks are carried out annually, an Electrical Safety Installation Condition Report is completed every five years, and fire safety checks are undertaken in the communal areas of blocks of Eastlight flats every three years.
We also know where asbestos is present, so that any work required can be carried out safely.
More details about the checks, and how you can stay safe, are below.
Testing your household alarms
Watch the video below to see how to test the smoke & carbon monoxide alarms in your home to ensure they are working effectively. If you are unable to view this video, please click the shield icon on the bottom, left-hand-side of this page and allow ‘Targeting cookies'
1:13 YouTube

These policies outline Eastlight's obligations as a landlord to our residents.
Insurance for your home
Eastlight arranges Building Insurance covering the structure of your home. We recommend you purchase Contents Insurance to protect the belongings that matter to you.