How we can help you
We understand that pests are extremely unwelcome visitors. You are generally responsible for dealing with any pests in your home, but see below for more information.
We can carry out any repairs your home required to stop pests getting in, such as repairing cracks in drains and pipes.
We are responsible for any pest issues within, or started within, communal areas. We can also support you with:
- Rats inside or outside your home (presuming you have removed any food left outside that may be attracting them, where relevant)
- A mouse infestation in your home
- A wasps or hornet infestation inside your home, or a nest near the entrance or exit of your home
- False widow spiders, bird spiders or red spider mites (please provide photo evidence)
- Birds in your loft
- Wood-boring pests, such as woodworm.
How you can help
If you have pests in your home not mentioned above, you can contact your local authority for support.
See more about pest control on the Gov.uk website here
Please ensure that you keep your home clean and don’t do anything to attract pests, such as regularly leaving food outside. Please let us know if you need support to improve your living environment.
Please report any cracks in drains, pipes, and air vents/bricks so that we can repair them for you and reduce the risk of pests entering your home through them.