As the UK's biggest resident and community-led housing association, putting power into the hands of our people is at the heart of our ethos.

Created and funded by Eastlight Community Homes, our community empowerment project, All In, saw four teams of Essex residents spend a year dedicating their time to one goal: to create a bold solution to a major social issue in their community.

Launched in June 2022, the All In Community Teams for Braintree, Colchester, Halstead and Witham have worked with thousands of local residents to create four truly community-led ideas that take on issues from the cost-of-living crisis to boosting mental wellbeing. All of which has already seen the support of local MPs, local businesses and local residents! 

Research by academics at the University of Essex has revealed the “transformative” impact of the programme. The Essex Business School report, entitled “All In(novation)”, found that All In’s Social Return on Investment was £6.26 for every £1 invested in its first year alone. Read the report here

All In also picked up the Neighbourhood Transformation award at the Affordable Housing Awards in November 2023.

The All In project was completed in 2024.

Introducing our All In Teams

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Four women and a man are walking side by side along a gravel path.

A Place To Be You - All In Braintree

 “It’s scary to think that in Braintree, you need to reach a point of crisis to receive adequate support”.

The All In Community Team for Braintree have launched A Place To Be You: a community-led wellbeing service where local people can enjoy free or low-cost activities such as yoga and art therapy while building meaningful relationships with other residents.

Five women are stood in a line. They are all wearing black polos with 'Trusted' embroidered on them.

Trusted - All In Colchester

“Never has there been a greater need for communities to come together and combine knowledge”.

Colchester’s All In Community Team are taking the stigma out of talking money through Trusted, a weekly safe space to grow understanding about money, where the experts in the room are residents who have spent years making ends meet.

Four women are stood around a banner. They are each wearing pink tshirts that says 'Grow With The Flow'

Grow with the Flow - All In Halstead

“Period shouldn’t be a dirty word in 2023.”

The All In Community Team for Halstead are a group of local women who have created Grow with the Flow with secondary school pupils from the town after discovering 85% of girls have tried to hide that they are on their period.

5 women and 1 man are stood in a line next to a banner. They are all smiling at the camera and wearing black hoodie with the word 'Popcorn' printed on the front.

Popcorn - All In Witham

“Social isolation affects everybody – but it really impacts young people.”

The All In Community Team for Witham has created Popcorn, a programme where young people who are struggling to reconnect after years stuck at home during the pandemic can build their own micro-community.

A group of four women are stood around a table looking at big pieces of paper which have been written on.

Resident Academy

We recognise that residents know better than anyone what they need to be safe and happy in their home and community.

The Resident Academy has been designed to equip residents with the training, tools and support they need to hold Eastlight to account.