• Eastlight Just Being You March 2023 Grab 2

    Information & Advice

    Our Welfare Benefit Advisors are here to support you to maximise your income.

    We can provide advice and support to check your eligibility, help you to apply, and help you to challenge a decision if your application is refused, or your existing benefits are reduced or stopped.

    Please get in touch if you need to discuss what benefits are available to you or if you need assistance when making a claim.

  • A younger woman is helping an older woman with her finances on a laptop.

    Universal Credit

    Universal Credit has replaced many of the former welfare benefits for people of working age who are on a low income or out of work. It is a single benefit which is paid monthly.

    Even if the money is to be used for your rent, it will not be paid directly to Eastlight and you will still have to arrange for that to be done.

    If you are an Eastlight resident and making a new claim for Universal Credit, then please get in touch with us and we will provide some assistance.

How do I apply for Universal Credit?

Before you make an application you should:

  • Verify who you are by following the guidance at www.gov.uk/verify
  • Have an email address
  • Have set up a bank or building society account where Universal Credit payments can be made

You will also need information about:

  • Your housing, for example how much rent you pay
  • Details of your income, for example payslips
  • Details of savings and any investments, like shares or a property that you rent out
  • Details of how much you pay for childcare if you’re applying for help with childcare costs

Claims are made online at www.gov.uk/universal-credit

Please note: It can take up to five weeks before any money is received, so you may temporarily go into arrears with your rent payments.

How much will I receive?

Payment is made up of a standard allowance and any extra amounts that apply to you, for example if you:

  • Have children
  • Have a disability or health condition which prevents you from working
  • Need help paying your rent

You can calculate how much you might receive by visiting useful websites, such as:

Getting advice and support

If you require advice regarding a new or existing benefit claim, including Universal Credit, please contact us by clicking here.

What other benefits are available?

Two hands are resting on a table. A pink piggy bank is on the table next to some coins.

Housing Benefit

A person looking at a laptop screen. The screen says 'Job Search'.

Jobseeker's Allowance

Two people are sat opposite each other. Both their hands are holding a pen and are resting on the table in front of them.

Employment and Support Allowance

A small toy house next to a calculator are sat on top of some papers.

Discretionary Housing Payment

Two sets of hands clasped together as one.

Bereavement Support Payment

A person is holding onto the wheels of their wheelchair.

Personal Independence Payment

A disabled man is shaking the hand of another man and smiling at him.

Disability Living Allowance

A man in a wheelchair is being pushed by a male carer. They are both laughing.

Carer's Allowance

An older person is being helped along by a younger person

Attendance Allowance

A glass jar with coins in is labelled 'Pension'.

State Pension

Looking down on a older man and woman looking at their finances.

Pension Credit

A council tax bill with money coins on top.

Council Tax Reduction (Support)