• A woman with her two young children are playing on a table. The young boy is holding a large police car toy.


    We recognise the role we play in promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults at risk of harm.

    That’s why we have a specialist team of Tenancy Sustainment Co-ordinators who are responsible for responding to concerns for our residents' welfare.

    Our team work with statutory partners - such as Health, Police and Social Care - as well as other internal services, like our Intervention and Enforcement Team, so that we can respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns for our residents.

What is safeguarding?

We want to protect people who cannot protect themselves. We are committed to protecting the rights of vulnerable adults and children so that they can live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

Safeguarding is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while taking into account their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs when deciding on any action.

What types of abuse and neglect are there?
  • Physical abuse: e.g. hitting, pushing.
  • Domestic violence: e.g. physical, sexual, financial, emotional abuse, so-called “honour” based violence and forced marriage.
  • Sexual abuse: e.g. harassment, rape.
  • Psychological abuse: e.g. controlling, intimidation.
  • Financial abuse: e.g. coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements.
  • Modern slavery: e.g. forced labour, human trafficking.
  • Discriminatory abuse: e.g. harassment, slurs or similar treatment because of race, gender etc.
  • Organisational abuse: e.g. neglect or poor practice within an institution or specific care setting, such as a care home.
  • Neglect and acts of omission: e.g. ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs.
  • Self-neglect: e.g. neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings e.g. hoarding.
How do I report a safeguarding issue?

Please fill out our online form here and a member of our Safeguarding Team will respond to the report within 24 hours during our working hours. 

If you need to report a concern outside of our working hours, or it is an emergency, please contact the relevant emergency service.

What about children and young people?

Children and young people are always vulnerable, so require more protection than adults.

If you feel a child is experiencing abuse or neglect, please fill out our online form here and a member of our Safeguarding Team will be in touch as soon as possible.


If you feel an adult or child is at risk of harm, please contact us immediately and we will do what we can to help.

Fill out our form here

We're committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk of harm.

The safety and welfare of our customers and employees is always a fundamental consideration and we recognise we have additional responsibilities to protect and promote the welfare of children and adults.


Additional Support

If you need help to understand or complete the Safeguarding Referral Form below, please let us know. For more information on how we can support you to navigate our website, forms and documents, click on the 'Additional Support' button below.

Click here

Safeguarding Referral Form

ie. Police / Social Services