We take your privacy and security very seriously. We manage information we hold in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulations. This page outlines your rights to access the information we hold.
Your rights to information
UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR)
We are registered under the UKGDPR to hold information about you. This may include your name and address, contact details and other information relating to your tenancy. We will hold your data securely and information will only be provided to people who need it to do their job.
If you wish to have a copy of information we hold about you, please complete the form below.
You can also complete this Data Subject Access Request Form or contact us at DPA-FOI@eastlighthomes.co.uk.
We will then have 30 calendar days, from verification of ID, to investigate your request and respond to you.
Freedom of Information
In the interests of transparency, we respond to Freedom of Information-style information requests in as timely a manner as possible.
Our Publication Scheme sets out the information we make routinely available, such as policies and strategies, minutes of meetings, annual reports, performance data and financial information.
If you wish to make an information request, please get in touch with us with the information required. We will then assess your request and determine which information can be shared. Once your request is received, we will respond in as timely a manner as possible.
For more information or assistance with data protection, please email DPA-FOI@eastlighthomes.co.uk
Our Data Protection Policy
Read our Data Protection Policy here
Additional support
If you need help to understand or complete the Data Subject Access Request Form below, please let us know. For more information on how we can support you to navigate our website, forms and documents, click on the 'Additional Support' button below.