The Bribery Act 2010 was introduced to make it easier to tackle the issue of bribery, which is a damaging practice.

Bribery can be defined as ‘giving someone a financial advantage to encourage them to perform their duties improperly or reward them for having done so’.

Eastlight Community Homes aims to provide excellent public service and needs to ensure propriety and accountability in all matters.

Eastlight Community Homes is also determined to protect itself and the public from fraud, bribery and corruption, and is committed to implementing and maintaining robust policies for the prevention and detection of fraud, bribery and corruption.

Eastlight Community Homes has in place an Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy, Anti-Fraud Policy, and an Anti-Money Laundering Policy. These policies apply to all individuals employed by Eastlight and those who are engaged by Eastlight, including apprentices, casual and temporary colleagues, agency workers, self-employed workers, contractors, suppliers and volunteers. The Policy also applies to Board Members and those on Committees.

Eastlight Community Homes does not tolerate offences of fraud, bribery or corruption and will investigate any suspected acts of fraud, bribery, corruption, misappropriation or irregularity, and take full and appropriate action against any wrongdoing.

Any employee (as defined above) who breaches Eastlight Community Homes' anti-fraud, bribery and corruption policies could face criminal and / or disciplinary action being taken, including prosecution and / or dismissal.

Eastlight Community Homes may terminate our relationship with other individuals and organisations working on our behalf if they breach our anti-fraud, bribery and corruption policies.

If you have a suspicion of fraud, bribery or corruption at Eastlight Community Homes, please contact the Company Secretary, Executive Director of Strategy, Governance & Assurance or the Chief Executive.

Any reported suspicions of fraud, bribery or corruption will be investigated in line with our anti-fraud, bribery, and corruption policies.

We offer protection to those who raise concerns in good faith, ensuring they are free from retaliation. Please refer to the organisation’s Whistleblowing Policy for further information.

- Emma Palmer, Chief Executive

Click here to view all our policies