Hattie Llewelyn Davies

Hattie Llewelyn-Davies


Hattie was the driving force behind the merger between Colne Housing – where she was Chair – and Greenfields Community Housing to create Eastlight Community Homes in July 2020.

Her vision for what we could achieve together, as a larger organisation for the East of England, is what helped us to become the trailblazing community gateway organisation we are today.

Eastlight is not the only housing provider in the East to benefit from Hattie’s strategic governance expertise – she works with organisations across the region in her role as Chair of the East of England Chairs Group.

Awarded an OBE for her services to homeless people in 2004, Hattie’s career began in housing and homelessness, but it has since spanned health, compliance and financial services across the public, private and third sectors.

Hattie is also Chair of The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust and was previously Chair of the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and PA Housing.


Kay Vowles

Kay Vowles (Senior Independent Director)

Board Member

Housing consultant Kay has held a number of senior positions in housing associations and with the former regulator the Housing Corporation. 

Kay is highly motivated by Eastlight’s commitment to our residents, communities and its ambitions to be a leading housing association in the East of England.

Kay has been an interim Chief Executive for a considerable number of organisations and has extensive experience as a Non-Executive Director and change programmes.

As Senior Independent Director, Kay serves as a sounding board for the Chair and acts as an intermediary for other directors.

She is the Chair of our Governance & People Committee (G&P) and a member of the Audit & Risk Committee.

Simon Jones

Simon Jones

Board Member

Simon is a chartered accountant who enjoyed a successful 30-year career with Grant Thornton UK LLP.

He is committed to organisations with clear purpose and strong values, like Eastlight, and also brings expertise in audit, governance and assurance. He is the Chair of our Finance & Treasury Committee (F&T) and Chair of our Audit & Risk Committee (A&R).

His last roles were as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for the £500 million professional services partnership, covering audit, tax and advisory services.


Catherine Turner

Catherine Turner

Board Member (Member Responsible for Complaints)

Alongside her role as a Board Member, Catherine is Chair of our Customer Influence Committee. Catherine helps to ensure Eastlight continues to drive learning and service improvements for residents.

Catherine enjoys being in a group working towards a common goal for the community. She believes we can learn from people of different ages and experience to make our efforts stronger.

She has specific expertise in access and equality. She has advised Colchester and Ipswich museums on accessibility, and has been a web accessibility consultant and an Assistive Technology trainer.

Catherine is also a member of our Development & Asset Management Committee. 

David Russell

David Russell

Board Member

David has strong skills in governance, alongside firm values and a strong commitment to social development. He is passionate about ensuring our homes are sustainable, affordable and good places to live, now and in the future.

He is member of our Governance & People Committee (G&PC) and Audit and Risk Committee (ARC). He is also a Board Member at Tower Hamlets Community Housing in the East End of London and Chair of its Audit and Risk Committee.

Following a distinguished Royal Navy career, David was Chief Executive of the charity The Harpur Trust from 2002-2019, before joining the Board of Greenfields in 2019 and later Eastlight in 2021.

Cha Patel

Cha Patel

Board Member

Cha is a corporate finance specialist and has held Non-Executive and consultancy roles in a variety of housing associations, healthcare, social and commercial organisations.

She has worked in the commercial sector with expertise in finance, growth, change management, risk and treasury. She is a member of our Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) and a member of the Finance & Treasury Committee.

Cha has been involved in a large number of mergers, acquisitions and financings and has garnered a lot of cross sector expertise.

Mike Johnson

Mike Johnson

Board Member

Mike has worked in the housing sector for 35 years.

He brings experience of building homes, regeneration, asset management and setting up strategic joint ventures.  

He is a member of the sector’s G15 Development Directors Group.

Mike chairs our Development & Asset Management Committee and is a member of our Finance & Treasury Committee.

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Gail Shadlock

Board Member

Gail is a highly experienced director with a professional background in human resources and organisational development with extensive general and project management experience working in the UK and abroad.

Gail has worked both as an executive director and as a non-executive director and has led and contributed to significant transformational change in the public, private and not for profit sectors – including housing.

She is a member of our Audit & Risk and Governance & People Committees.

Chris Cheshire

Chris Cheshire

Board Member

Chris has been a Non-Executive Director for over 25 years, holding positions including Chair, Board Member and Committee Member.

He has an extensive background in Development and Asset Management as well as Audit and Risk Committee Roles, and Chair of Customer Services.

In addition, Chris has been directly involved in two separate registered provider mergers.

Chris is a member of our Governance & People Committee and our Development & Asset Management Committee.

Amandeep Singh Kalra

Amandeep Singh Kalra

Board Member

Amandeep is an architect and urban designer turned entrepreneur who previously worked as an Associate Director at Be First, LB Barking & Dagenham’s regeneration company.

During his time there Be First delivered over 2,000 homes including 70% that were affordable and social rent. He also led the development of an MHCLG funded retrofit design code for the Becontree Estate, a 29,000 home neighbourhood

He is also a trustee for the London Neighbourhood Scholarship charity, a Lead Ambassador with the Design Council’s Homes Taskforce, chairs Hackney, Kingston, and Croydon Design Review Panels, advises on Retrofit & Heritage with the NLA, a non-executive director for New World Housing Association, and mentors with Future of London, supporting the next generation of young professionals.

Amandeep is a member of our Development & Asset Management Committee and also our Customer Influence Committee.

Steve Bentall

Steve Bentall

Trainee Board Member

Steve has worked in physical activity and health for more than 30 years. He currently works for Fusion Lifestyle, a leisure contractor operating over 30 sites in the UK.

Steve is the company's Sports and Community Development Manager for Essex, covering their three local authority areas. He works with stakeholders to ensure there are inclusive physical activity opportunities for communities.

Steve is also a member of our Customer Influence Committee.


Our Committee Members

Craig Clackett

Craig Clackett

Customer Influence Committee (Committee Lead for Customer Voice)

Eastlight resident Craig works together with his fellow committee members and the Board to ensure the organisation does what is right by residents and fully embraces the customer voice.

In his role on the Committee, Craig acts as a conduit between the CIC and other resident groups within Eastlight, ensuring that the CIC considers wider resident voice to inform their decision-making and to keep residents in other groups regularly informed and updated on the work of the Committee.

An electrician by trade, Craig used to be a Maths and Accounting Tutor before joining Eastlight.

Craig looks forward to getting more involved in sustainability within the housing sector, and he is interested in connecting with like-minded individuals.

Paul Hooker

Paul Hocker

Customer Influence Committee

Paul has worked with children and young people for over 35 years. He is currently Director for London Play, leading a small team and creating ideas and fruitful partnerships to help make London childhoods the best in the world. 

Paul is a qualified playwork trainer and has lectured in play and playwork for the University of East London. He was Chair of the International Play Association for England for 5 years, and, in 2012, the Mayor of London appointed Paul a ‘London Leader’.

He is also a writer and has written on the subject of play for academic publications, authored short stories and published a dictionary about the language of the Beatles.

Paul is a member of our Customer Influence Committee (CIC) and a CIC associate for the Finance & Treasury Committee.

Rue Garande Adobe

Rue Garande

Customer Influence Committee

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Rue brings a wealth of experience to her role on the Customer Influence Committee (CIC). She has built a career in the housing sector, driving improvements in diversity, street homelessness, youth services, immigration and community empowerment.

Eastlight resident Rue is a domestic abuse advocate with a passion for ending violence against women and girls. She has a particular interest in partnership working, ensuring different organisations work together to provide excellent, integrated services for their local community.

Rue serves as a Trustee for a women’s refuge and has previously worked for Eastlight as a Community Empowerment Co-ordinator in our All In programme.

In addition to her role on the CIC, Rue runs her own hair and beauty business that caters to all hair and skin types, and she records a weekly female empowerment podcast.

Michael Ryan Adobe

Michael Ryan

Customer Influence Committee

Michael (‘Mick’) is a retired Health & Safety professional, with over 40 years of experience in the construction and rail industries. He has a range of expertise spanning health and wellbeing, including putting the best possible support mechanisms in place for those with learning disabilities or other physical needs.

As a member of our Customer Influence Committee, Mick uses his voice as an Eastlight resident to advocate for greater transparency and inclusion in our decision-making processes, ensuring tenant voices are heard and their needs are addressed.

He continues to use his health and safety expertise, coupled with a commitment to supporting individuals with diverse needs, to drive positive change in the organisation.

In addition to his role on the Customer Influence Committee (CIC), Mick is also a CIC associate for the Audit & Risk Committee.

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Magenta Lavey

Customer Influence Committee

Magenta has over 15 years of experience in the DIY and construction supplies industry, helping people to make their house a home. She previously worked for Eastlight as a Community Entrepreneur in our All In incubator programme.

As an Eastlight resident, Magenta brings the customer voice to the forefront, especially in the delivery of our New Homes Strategy. She scrutinises our design processes, thinking and the overall new-build experience for our customers.

Magenta collaborates closely with us to deliver our equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, including building our LGBTQ+ Residents Network. As a queer woman, she understands first-hand the importance of having a representative voice in the community and a home where you feel safe and accepted.

Alongside her Customer Influence Committee (CIC) role, Magenta is a CIC associate for the Governance & People Committee.

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Alex Gipson

Finance & Treasury Committee

Alex spent over 30 years in the financial services sector, with over 20 years’ experience of providing finance to housing association sector. This included supporting development/regeneration, facilitating stock transfers, and specific projects, including Private Finance Initiatives.

Alex has experience of operating within both the banking and institutional funding markets.

Our Governance Structure



Our Board drives strategy and directs the affairs of Eastlight Community Homes. It has responsibility for the overall control of Eastlight and its subsidiaries, including monitoring performance; determining strategic direction; governance and oversight; overseeing the management and mitigation of risks and issues; and determining resources to meet financial and other obligations

Declarations of Interest are confirmed at each Board and Committee meeting. Click here to learn more

Customer Influence Committee (CIC)

Oversees and supports the Board in ensuring that customers influence decision making and a wide variety of their views are considered. The Committee oversees and monitors strategies and key policies that impact on customers. Visit our CIC page to learn more here.

Audit & Risk Committee (ARC)

Ensures systems of internal control, assurance and risk management are appropriate and effective and that legal, statutory and regulatory requirements are properly audited and reviewed.

Development & Asset Management Committee (DAM)

Oversees programmes of investment, including land acquisition, development and regeneration, and the associated financing and investment in net zero carbon activity. The Committee also approves programmes beyond delegated thresholds for executive.

Governance & People Committee (G&P)

Oversees and supports the Board in maintaining excellent governance through skills-based recruitment and succession, oversees remuneration of the Board and executive, regularly monitoring effectiveness and recommending enhancements to governance. The Committee also monitors our People Strategy and key policies, including Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.

Finance & Treasury Committee (F&T)

Oversees financial strategy and performance and supports the Board in maintaining financial viability. The Committee also recommends, oversees and implements the organisation’s funding strategy and executes funding transactions on behalf of the Board.

Eastlight Community Homes Limited. Co-operative and Community Benefit Society Registration No. 30124R. Registered Provider No. L4499. Regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing. A charity exempt from registration.