If you're experiencing damp and mould in your home, please contact us.
Our Healthy Homes Team will visit you within two weeks of you reporting issues. They’ll find out more and try to find the best solutions to remove the damp and mould and prevent it from coming back.
We know that there can be many reasons for damp and mould growth. While using extractor fans and opening windows do help, there are often structural issues that are our responsibility to resolve.
To book a visit, please contact us using any of our contact details. If you have internet access, you can submit pictures of the affected areas using our damp and mould form, which will help us diagnose the issue.
You’ll also find useful information on our damp and mould page about how to manage damp and mould in your home, and some examples of causes.
Tenancy Fraud occurs when a social home is occupied by someone without the right to do so.
Typically, they may be unlawfully subletting the home to someone else and collecting the rent. Other cases include people misrepresenting themselves to secure a social home or abandoning it.
Thousands of people are on social housing waiting list in our communities, so every case of Tenancy Fraud deprives someone of a home they need.
Our Tenancy Management Team is working hard to tackle this issue to ensure our homes go to those who need them most.
“With a housing crisis in the UK, we take tenancy fraud very seriously,” says Keeley Dow, Housing Manager for Tenancy.
“Every report is investigated, and we’ll take action to ensure properties are being used as they should be. Together, we can make a real difference to our communities to make sure housing goes to those most in need.”
You can report Tenancy Fraud by emailing fraud@eastlighthomes.co.uk or calling us on 0330 128 0330.