Snippets of what's been happening in your area.
The world has changed, and we want to change the way we deliver many of the services that matter to you.
Our new repairs pledge sets out the repairs service you should expect to receive from Eastlight.
You will soon receive full details of your rent and service charges in your annual rent letter.
Helping you to stay safe from damp and mould and warm in your home.
Surrounded by friends and laughter, Martin Reeves is the life and soul of Beaumont House, an Eastlight Older Person's Scheme in Coggeshall.
Receiving an average of 450 calls a day, our Customer Services Team are you first point of call when you call in to report an issue.
The Resident Academy has been created so you can bring your passion and experience to ensure we deliver the best possible homes and services for you.
Gould’s Landscapes are Eastlight’s new grounds maintenance contractor.
From top tips from a Halstead in Bloom champ to a community creating their own allotment.