Over the past nine months, engaged residents told us what their challenges and frustrations were.

For example, there are several ways for residents to get involved with Eastlight. You can join the Active Resident Network, get involved in your local Eastlight Residents Group or apply to join Eastlight’s Board or Customer Influence Committee.

However, the review found that these opportunities are disconnected from each other, and not enough residents know about them. We also heard that communication needed improving and that residents did not have enough opportunities to have their say on the services that mattered most to them.

Instead of trying to change Shareholding, we decided it would be better to create something new.

Following a series of online and in-person workshops, plus phone calls, the following circle was created by residents. This brings together all existing activities, and some proposed new ones, into one place.

  • Eastlight Community Gateway Circle

    Following a series of online and in-person workshops, plus phone calls, the Community Gateway Circle was created by residents.

    This brings together all existing activities, and some proposed new ones, into one place.

    Eastlight resident, Tammy, said: "We created the circle to connect everything together, so that all the really good stuff that happens in different places in Eastlight joins up. We also wanted to improve communication, and this circle reflects something continuous, with no 'us and them'." 

Here's what the Community Gateway Circle includes:

  • Eastlight Resident Members (new!)

    Under this proposed structure, all Eastlight residents would be invited to become a Resident Member. They would receive a Membership card and receive regular opportunities to take part in activities and complete surveys and consultations through the Active Residents Network newsletter

  • Board and Committees

    Residents would continue to be invited to apply to join our Board and our resident-led Customer Influence Committee. The committee is made up of residents who are passionate about championing your voice and ensuring your experiences continue to shape Eastlight’s decision-making.

  • Charter Steering Group (new!)

    A group of engaged residents who designed the new offer and Eastlight team members would work together to make sure that we implement the new offer and Charter successfully.

  • Scrutiny and Service Improvement Activity (new!)

    Residents felt Eastlight needed to provide more opportunities to work together to improve services and influence how they are delivered. This is likely to include staff and residents working together to identify improvements to the areas that matter to you. Other opportunities could include joining procurement panels for services that directly affect residents or helping to recruit staff who provide your services

  • Eastlight Residents' Groups

    Our groups are an opportunity for staff and residents to work together to make a difference in their local neighbourhoods through quarterly meetings, estate walkabouts and budgets for community improvements

  • Resident communication

    Residents told us they want better communication, and this has been brought into the circle to create more opportunities for you to shape our communication with you, from the letters you receive to Shine magazine

  • Community voices (new!)

    We heard that many residents want to be a link between Eastlight and their local communities, but do not receive enough information and support to play that role. This is particularly true in areas where Eastlight does not own many homes.

  • Resident events and consulation

    We would hold member-only events to get their views and keep everyone up-to-date. Members, and other Eastlight residents, would be consulted on any major proposed changes to Eastlight’s operations, such as restructures, in line with the Regulator of Social Housing’s standards and other laws and regulations.

  • None of these activities would be possible without the support of Eastlight teams providing information and support. Eastlight publishes quarterly Customer Voice reports with performance information, and would provide more opportunities to learn through the Resident Academy. For the first time, we would publish a monthly calendar of events (new!) to let members know about the range of activities taking place.