"As an Eastlight resident, you know better than anyone what you need to be safe and happy in your home.
That’s why, since Eastlight was formed in 2020, we have introduced a range of opportunities for residents like you to shape Eastlight for the better.
We have the Customer Influence Committee – a rare opportunity to sit on a powerful Board committee. We also have our Active Residents Network and our Eastlight Residents Groups.
But we want to go further. We are launching a consultation on proposals to include a commitment in our rules to involve residents in how Eastlight is run.
As well as our groups, residents can also get involved by applying to become Shareholders. We have around 4,500 Shareholders who are invited to vote at our Annual General Meetings. However, few choose to, and you have told us that Shareholding simply does not work for you.
In short, it does not give you the opportunities you want to get involved and make a difference to the things that matter to you as Eastlight residents.
So over the last nine months, a group of residents have been working with Eastlight to create something to replace it that includes those opportunities.
This edition includes a consultation on what they have created: a Resident Members Charter bringing together a range of new and existing ways to ensure your voice is heard by Eastlight. I think what this group of residents has created is excellent. It strengthens Eastlight as a Community Gateway association and commits us to listen to and involve residents when making decisions about your homes, services and neighbourhoods.
Your views will shape what happens next. If the feedback is positive, then we will invite shareholders to vote on a proposal to introduce the Charter to Eastlight’s rules.
So please take the time to complete the survey and do get in touch if you have any further questions. We look forward to hearing from you!"
Hattie Llewelyn-Davies, Eastlight Board Chair
Find out more:
Have your say!
We would like to know whether you believe the Charter would be an improvement and provide you with more opportunities to influence the services that matter to you. This formal consultation runs from Monday, 17 March to Sunday, 27 April 2025.
Share your views by completing the short survey below or come along to one of the drop-in sessions on Monday, 24 March:
- In person: 12.30pm-2pm at Eastlight House, Charter Way, Braintree CM77 8FG.
- Online: 6pm-7pm via Microsoft Teams.
To attend either or to share other feedback in other ways, please email community@eastlighthomes.co.uk or call us on 0330 128 0330.