Welcome to your Autumn edition of Shine Magazine, where we're sharing stories about you and your community, and how to get involved with Eastlight.


Page 2-3: News in 5

Five things you need to know

Damp And Mould HR

Page 4-5: Supporting you with Damp & Mould

We recognise damp and mould is a big issue for many Eastlight residents and have created a new Healthy Homes team to support you to manage it.


Page 6-7: How can we help you?

“The foodbank is not only about giving out food, but also about making clients feel welcomed and relaxed - not stigmatised or embarrassed."


Page 8: A Place To Be You

In June 2022, Gemma successfully applied to join All In, Eastlight’s community programme where teams get a year to create a solution to a big issue impacting their community.

A man and two women are stood together in a group. They are all looking at each other, mid-conversation.

Page 9: Have your voice heard

Are you happy with Eastlight? Does our repairs service meet your needs? Do you feel safe at home? Do we listen to you?

A woman in a wheelchair is speaking to a man stood next to her.

Page 10: Meet your new Resident Leaders

This summer, we invited applications to join our resident-led Customer Influence Committee (CIC), which exists to ensure you receive the homes and services you want and need.

A woman in a yellow and white stripe dress is stood facing the camera and smiling.

Page 11: Join the Resident Academy!

You know better than anyone what you need to be safe and happy in your home and your community.

A man wearing a blue Eastlight tshirt is screwing a light switch to a wall.

Page 12: Repair waits fall by a fortnight

The average time you are waiting for repairs to your home has fallen by more than two weeks after we introduced a range of service improvements.

A man is sitting on a bench in a garden. On the bench beside him is a pot of yellow flowers.

Page 13: Sowing the seeds

Not long ago, this community garden in Silver End was an unloved plot of land.

Black Cactus Choir At Pride

Page 14: That's the community spirit!

Kids 1

Page 15: It's competition time!

What’s your child's idea of a perfect home?

Emma Palmer New

Page 16: Ask Emma

Is there something about Eastlight that you’ve always wanted to know the answer to?