“It’s a safety net; it’s brilliant”



Our Housing for Older People Team have been busy rolling out new tablet devices to help older residents communicate quickly and easily with us, even if they’re not confident using technology.

Thanks to our partnership with telecommunication company, Alertacall, residents in our Housing for Older People schemes can now use their new tablets for two-way communication, meaning they can contact us to report issues – and we can respond and contact them too.

One very useful function of the Alertacall service is the ‘Ok each day’ button, so residents can confirm they’re safe and well each day. If we don’t hear from them, one of our Tenancy Co-ordinators will contact them – something 69-year-old scheme resident, Ann Lidbetter, very much appreciates:

I’ve been using the device since Eastlight came and gave us a demo earlier this year. It’s brilliant. I chose to have the ‘Ok’ button, and they do check up on you. It’s a safety net and makes me feel very safe.”

Not only does the device provide reassurance to Ann, but it also encourages her to get moving, even if she doesn’t much feel like it. Ann, who has some issues with mobility, told us: “Sometimes, when I’m not well, it makes me get out of bed, which I need. I love it.”

Gary Brown, Eastlight's Housing Manager (Housing for Older People), said:

“We’re really pleased to have launched these devices across all our schemes, following a successful pilot earlier this year. Not only does it allow residents to report issues easily, but we can also ensure they’re safe and well each day.

"We know that older residents are sadly more likely to be isolated and at risk of being found injured or dying, and we hope that these devices can give them and us reassurance. A big thank you and well done to everyone who helped with the training.”

See more about the devices here